
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Teaching Compassion!

My uncle recently lost his battle with cancer and as hard as it has been it really got me thinking about the importance of teaching children to care about causes such as a cure for cancer.

Last year at my school we participated in the American Cancer Society, “Paint the Town Purple” event in support of the Relay For Life. We had recently lost a staff member to Leukemia and were trying to raise money and awareness for his family and friends who would be walking in his honor.

I did my best to explain to the children why we were going to be fund raising and why our friend Dave was no longer with us. It was honestly one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my teaching career. I explained to the children that it was an illness where sometimes there is nothing that doctors can do to make it go away. Furthermore, I explained to them that many people and children needed our help. It was really moving to me to hear the beautiful messages that the children wanted to tell to the people who have this horrible disease. It was even more touching how well our school community came together and we ended up raising a good amount of money for a wonderful cause. 

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