
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Song Cubes!

I love Music! 
I am constantly drumming, humming or singing a tune and thinking up more ways to add music to my classroom!
One way I do this is by making song cubes. First, I get an empty tissue box and add something inside to make noise (bells, paper clips, etc...) Next I cover it with paper and add a song to each side. I usually do these by season or theme. Finally, I will add some contact paper so that it will not rip, at least not right away! haha
The children love taking turns rolling the cube at circle time, free time and really just anytime! Depending what side it lands on that is the song we sing. The best part of all is that usually once one child starts singing everyone joins in!

It's a simple way to add more music into your day and classroom routine! : )
Here is an example of a winter song cube!

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