
Saturday, January 31, 2015

More snowmen activities

Here in New England we were just hit with a huge snowstorm and more to come next week. As much as I am exhausted and tired of shoveling...I do love winter lessons with a snow theme.
Here are a few new snowmen activities that my class has been enjoying this winter!
Snowman bowling!
Do you want to build a snowman??? hehe How many times have you heard your students singing that song? At least a thousand times...a day! All kidding aside, the students in my class have loved building this no snow snowman. We made him as a class from tissue boxes and used white paper scraps and markers to decorate them. The children have enjoyed building him in various orders but what they really love is knocking him down. This was a great activity to add to our winter classroom (as we cannot get outside as often) and it brings in movement and exercise that the children can execute independently.

Open ended snowman easel paintings.
The children were invited to make their snowman/woman at the easel in any form they would like. As you can see above, some of the children chose to make a melted snowman, some a snow storm snow person and a few went the original route. They were then given a variety of embellishments from pipe cleaners to pom poms to finish them. The goal here is to let each child be truly creative and not to tell them how to make it. Process over product. Each one came out so unique just like the students in my class. 

Snowman number recognition practice.
For this activity the students worked one on one with the teacher. They first were asked to draw a card and identify the number. If they were unable I would have them find the number on the number line and count to it. Once the number was identified the children had to put a gem on the matching number on the snowman. After the students all had a turn one on one with the teacher this was a free choice activity for the week.

Name snowmen.
I have seen these all over pinterest in many different forms and wanted to try them out in my classroom. Any activity where they are writing their name is always a hit. After the children completed their name snowman they were given white paint and a q-tip to make the snow falling over their snowman.
Click here to see more of my snowmen ideas and activities.

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