
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Back to School

Back to School!!!
In the hallway outside the classroom we have our parent communication board. Here I will post our monthly newsletter, weekly menu and any other information as it becomes available.

When you first walk into the classroom you will find the children's mailboxes. On top of the shelf from left to right is our classroom portfolio, our daily parent communication book and the parent mailboxes.
Classroom portfolio: Please feel free to look through this book anytime you like. In here I have all our curriculum themes and activities that I have taught in the past and their educational value. Some of these we will use this year but I always take into consideration the skill level of the class and the children's interests when developing new curriculum each year.
Parent communication book: Here I will write about our daily activities and learning objectives. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions in this book and I will be happy to address them.
Parent mailboxes: Any notes that are from either myself or the office will be put into the parent mailboxes. I have found that when I have put them in the children's mailboxes in the past, they have gotten lost or mixed in with the children's papers and it was just not effective. So I ask that you please check your parent mailbox daily at pick up time.
On a side note I am so happy with how the children's mailboxes look this year! I really wish I had taken a before picture because the wood was really worn down and there were stickers that would just not come off. I thought about painting them but I really just didn't have the time to spend on that.  So...I went to every teachers favorite store...the dollar store and I bought some colorful contact paper. It was super easy just cut, peel, stick and I love how they turned out!

On the mantel in the classroom we have our quote of the day frame. This is something I have never tried in the classroom before but I am so excited about it! Every year I always say I need to write down all the funny things the students say but I never seem to get to it. Well, I found a solution! By using a glass frame I can use it as a dry erase board. So make sure to check it when you come to pick up your child...who knows they may have the quote of the day! : )

On the door to the classroom you will find our class wish list. The items we are looking for are written on the bees. Please if you are able, take the bee down with the item you wish to donate. Thank you!

Welcome to Pre-K Goody Bags!
Make sure to grab yours Tuesday morning!

Inside you will find...
*Your welcome to the class newsletter
 *A meet the teachers page
 *A paper to fill out about your child
*A list of recycled materials that we are looking for
* A scholastic book ordering form
* The link to this fabulous blog : )
* Your child's first homework assignment
* Your parent pre-k survival kit
* A bookmark with a great quote
* A pencil to remind your child that they are just "write" for our classroom!
Welcome to the class everyone and let's have a great school year!!!
Click here for the link to my free pre-k survival kit printable.
 Click here for the link to the welcome to pre-k postcards from TPT.
Click here for the link to the bookmarks from A Place Called Kindergarten

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