
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

All About Me

All About Me! 

I start off the year by having each child and their family fill out a newspaper all about their child for homework! Each child then has a chance to share it with the class at circle time. This is a great confidence boosting opportunity for each child and really gives them all a chance to shine. The school to home connection is so important for student success and when they see that their parent is invested in their learning they too share in this excitement.
 We want each child to know that they are a valuable member of our classroom community. 
One way we do this is through our self portrait display!

 First I start by reading the story, Two Eyes A Nose and A Mouth by: Roberta Intrater

This is a great story with amazing photographs of people from all aspects of life and it celebrates diversity and humanity. 

I then invite the children to create their own self portrait by picking out their skin color and looking into a hand held mirror and drawing their features.

They came out great and the children were so proud of their work! We are planning on turning these into a classroom book once we take them off the board. 


We also finger painted self portraits!

We made hand print patterns!

We made our own wooden people to put in our block area to build structures for. The children painted them and added a photograph of their face.

We practiced dialing our phone numbers and we made our own cell phones out of toilet paper tubes! 

We made our own all about me webs!
We added photographs of each child into the frame.

We discussed how we are all different and that we are all a valuable part of the classroom! : )

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