
Monday, July 30, 2012


We made rain sticks!

First, we poked toothpicks through the paper towel tubes. I then cut the sharp edges off and helped the children tape off the edges to keep them secure.

Next we painted them!

Finally, we added beads to the inside of the tube and secured the ends with felt. 
I know some people choose to put rice or beans on the inside but I don't like to use food for any activity if they are not going to be eating it.
They came out great!!

We made rain and cloud patterns!
We also used this patterning idea for our calendar this month.

We discussed and illustrated how the rain makes us feel. 

U is for Umbrellas! 
We used cupcake liners which we folded in half, then added a pipe cleaner to make these cute umbrellas! : )


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