
Monday, July 30, 2012



For the next two weeks my classroom will be learning about the Olympics with various activities and discussions!

Here are our textured Olympic rings that the children worked together to create!!!

The symbol of the Olympic Games is composed of five interlocking rings, colored blue, yellow, black, green, and red on a white field. The colors of the rings represent the flags of the countries that participate in the Olympics. Every flag of a country participating in the Olympics includes one of those colors.

After our textured Olympic rings mural the children each wanted to make their own to bring home so we made some Olympic flags!

We dipped plastic cups in paint to stamp the perfect circles! We discussed the meaning of the rings and how all the countries come together for this event.

I also put out some paper for the children to experiment with the circles to make collages since the flags only required one of each color and was a bit limiting to their artistic abilities.  

We discussed some of our favorite sporting events!

More uses for paper towel tubes! 

Before hanging up these terrific torches we first went on our own opening ceremony parade around our school complete with the Olympic theme music. 

We painted our own gold, silver and bronze medals to award during our pre-k Olympic games!

We played a matching game with various flags.

After the children completed the matching game we discussed which country the flags came from.
 I then had each child choose a flag which they wanted to try and create themselves.

Some of our Pre-K Olympic Events!

The javelin throw!

Our javelin made of straws! 
The children throw it and try to get it into the blue bin!

We also did the shot put but we used a ball to try to throw into the bin. 
 Go team USA!

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