
Friday, April 6, 2012


The cutest book about eggs ever! 
Seven Eggs by Meredith Hooper

It has a baby animal who hatches for each day of the week until you reach Easter Sunday and then chocolate eggs hatch out for each of the baby animals! So super cute! 

Math egg crate game!

This game you simply count the dots on one side of the egg and find the digit on the other side. This makes it not only a math game but a fine motor game as well when they have to put both sides together.
Egg matching games!
This one happens to be for sale in my etsy shop!

Egg yolk felt matching game!
I made two sets of this game since it has been such a hit with the class. The first set, is a game for two students to use and play together to find the matches. The second set is much smaller and is now in our sensory table along with some easter grass and sequin confetti. It can be played alone or with a friend. Students simply match the color of the yolk to the plastic egg and put them together.
 : )
We went on an egg hunt in the playground! When it was over we brought our eggs into the classroom to open them up. Inside we found jelly beans!!!
We then sorted the jelly beans by color and graphed the results!
Thank you to Simply Kinder for the free print outs!
We made our own rice crispy bird nests! 
Lots of sticky fun! haha

You are all egg-ceptional!!! 
Thanks for reading! : )

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