
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dr. Seuss!!!

March 2nd. Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Here are a few of our Dr. Seuss inspired activities!

 The Cat in the Hat

Painted Cat in the Hats!
We also made some thing 1 and thing 2 hats for our dramatic play area!

Matching game made from Dr. Seuss stickers.

The Sneetches

We made our own star belly necklaces! We acted out the story in our very own star off and on machine! One child was designated to play Sylvester Mcmonkey Mcbean and the others were the sneethches who kept paying money to run through.

Bartholomew and the Oobleck

We made our own oobleck! 
Cornstarch, water and food coloring!

If I ran the Circus 
The children made their own Seuss inspired spiral mobiles out of paper plates!
We also made cotton candy as a class and added various circus elements such as hula hoops, juggling balls, and animal masks into our dramatic play area!

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

We played a homemade fish matching game and made our own red and blue fish patterns. 

For a water table idea we added sweedish fish and some ribbon to act as the waves. We asked the children to predict what would happen to the fish if we put them in the water. Their predictions were great and they were delighted to see that the water turned pink the more they had the fish swim around in the water.
 Click here for my Fox in Socks ideas.