
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Classical Music Appreciation

Classical musical appreciation week.

Here are a few of our activities. 

I gave each child a paper divided into four sections and a packet of crayons. I then explained to the children that we were going to listening to four different pieces of music. I then instructed them to draw on their paper how the music made them feel. We discussed what the music made us think of in between each piece. The music I used was the four seasons by Vivaldi. 

We also discussed our favorite instruments!
 I also put out a variety of recycled goods for the children to create their own musical instrument!

We then went on a parade around the school!

I also introduced the children to the book and music of Peter and the Wolf. I made mini books for the children to read along with me and we also made puppets to act out the story while we listened to the music. I then had the children draw a picture of their favorite character or characters from the story.

For those of you who do not know this story here is the link to the Disney version.

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